We start DMAX Clubs on college campuses, because we believe that a community of supportive peers can be a very empowering experience.
DMAX Clubs are student-led mental health clubs that use an egalitarian “Friends Helping Friends” model, instead of a therapist or paraprofessional facilitator. Since research shows that young adults tend to go to their friends first when they’re struggling or stressed out, DMAX Clubs lean in to what college students do naturally.
DMAX Clubs serve as inclusive and non-judgmental spaces to have deep, meaningful conversations about how we’re really doing. Conversation Meetings prioritize values such as vulnerability, authenticity, truth-telling, resilience, and solidarity. Our Clubs also host fun Activity Meetings, because some people have an easier time sharing about themselves when they’re having a blast with their friends.
To support our Clubs, we provide a variety of resources, leadership development workshops, and events. Each college counseling center also trains Club leaders on key topics, such as active listening, campus emergency procedures, when referrals are necessary and how to make them, and how to avoid engaging in “therapy”.