DMAX Foundation’s
Annual Leadership Awards
The Lee & Laurie Maxwell Leadership Award
DMAX Foundation is working together with corporations that care about mental health in the workplace and mental health for college students, their next generation of employees. Each year since 2016, DMAX Foundation has honored a leader in a company that has made a difference in mental health for their company or for our society through the DMAX Foundation’s Lee and Laurie Maxwell Annual Leadership Award. These impressive leaders are helping to shape a future where we are creating communities of caring in which it is okay to talk with each other about our mental health, to help one another, and to allow those who are struggling to realize they are not alone.
The 2025 DMAX Foundation Annual Leadership Award will be conferred at our spring Educational Event in 2025 on April 24th at Bryn Mawr College. We are looking for individuals who are making a difference in mental health for their companies or for society at large, and whose companies or institutions care about the mission of DMAX Foundation and the mental health of the college students we serve.
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The Dan Maxwell Student Leadership Award
The Dan Maxwell Student Leadership Award is awarded annually to a DMAX Club Leader or DMAX Intern who has demonstrated exemplary leadership and passion for DMAX Foundation’s mission of “Creating connections and conversations that matter to strengthen mental health and emotional well-being for young people.” This award is named in honor of Dan Maxwell, the namesake of the DMAX Foundation and a young man who demonstrated exemplary leadership and caring for others both on the athletic field and off as a teammate, friend, brother and son. In designating this award in his name, DMAX Foundation hopes to continue to honor Dan’s memory through a lasting legacy of recognizing remarkable young adults who care deeply about the DMAX mission and who go above and beyond to help others navigate the difficulties of collegiate life through mental health conversations.
Award Recipients receive recognition at DMAX Foundation’s annual spring event and receive a stipend to help alleviate the cost of textbooks and supplies.
The inaugural Dan Maxwell Student Leadership Award was presented in 2024 to Lauren O’Rourke at Penn State University. As a longstanding DMAX Club leader, Lauren was integral in promoting the sustainability of DMAX Clubs and guided her DMAX Club through a time of transition towards a successful 2024 academic year.
2024 Lee & Laurie Maxwell Leadership Award winner Craig Kramer with DMAX Founders Lee & Laurie
2024 Dan Maxwell Student Leadership Award winner Lauren O’Rourke, with DMAX Director of Programs Elsie